August 2016 - Viva9ja

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


Review this: WATER BATH (Aftermath of Final Exams) - Fun of D last day experience in Auchi polytechnic after final exams 2014 as you Prepare for your turn this year...

failure will never locate you nor death cross you path in Jesus Name, Amen

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Apostle Johnson Suleiman is Now On twitter plus Facebook social

Watch Video for tips on How You Can Connect with Apostle Johnson Suleman; The Senior Pastor of OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES (OFM), and President of Celebration TV. on Twiter and on his Facebook Fan Page @ We Love Apostle Johnson Suleman

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Monday, 29 August 2016

D light Dance Crew Storms the stage of Redeemed Christian Churgh of God

Weight lifting - Auchi most power body builder Suru peace - Don't do dis at home!

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Auchi Poly Students Rejoice Over the Release Of SES Resumption Date

Auchi Poly Students Rejoice Over the Release Of SES Resumption Date. A very Funny Dance from #Auchi_Poly #Comedians You Need to watch.
Don't forget to Subscribe.

Monday, 22 August 2016

How I Got Google PageRank 3 in 3 Months with Only 28 Backlinks

In this post I’ll answer a ton of questions regarding building PageRank. I’ll explain what Alexa Rank is, talk about why Google built PageRank, and even offer white hat and black hat methods to use on it.
Hint: You should only use the White Hat ones!
You should also use this post to discuss Google Panda.
PageRank is the founding principle behind Google Search, and earned Stanford University just over $330 million back in 2005. So yeah, you want to know about it.

A little proof behind my methods

Before you’re going to read this, you’ll probably want some information on the title of this post.
Well, this blog is only 3 months old, tomorrow actually. You’ll just have to believe me on that.
For proof on my PR3 from only 28 backlinks go download the SEO PageRank Status Toolbar. It’s a free Google Chrome extension I use several times a day to check web statistics. Using it is really simple, just click on the bar icon and it shows you a whole assortment of stats for the webpage you’re currently on. I usually focus on PageRank and Alexa Rank.
For you die hard Internet Explorer and Firefox users that won’t get the plugin I created this screenshot of my stats after just 3 months of DearBloggering.
Now that we’ve gotten that cleared up, let’s talk business.

Why even write this post?

Why would I ever write a blog post covering my strategies on building PageRank and rising up in Google? What the heck is wrong with me? These are secrets I should write into an eBook I sell for 29.94 on Amazon. They’re that valuable!
Well, here’s what I’m thinking right now…
  • Blogging should be helpful: The founding mission of Dear Blogger has always been to provide easy to understand blogging answers on things like these very topics.
  • Clear the air: Hopefully I’ll answer some really common SEO related questions I get every morning in my inbox.
  • Write good, get gooder: When I hit publish on this post I’ll be adding new content to my site. If it’s useful, that alone gives me a few points in Google. But if it’s really useful and you guys comment and linkback to this, then we’re really doing good stuff. Just a kind suggestion 😉

What happened at Stanford?

Back when Sergey and Larry were building the technology behind Google Search, they realized if their search engine became anything worthwhile it would have deal with and process a LOT of documents. Like millions of new ones every day. They decided pure content wouldn’t be enough to decide which pages get ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd…10th…101st..etc and that they need a new criteria.
So they created PageRank. It became a heirarchical system where all webpages initially begin with equal rank, then get higher ranks if more websites link back to them. Each link counts as a “vote” and that “vote” holds more weight if it’s from an authoritative hub, like, or the
A practically example of PageRank:
So if you search for “cutest cat pictures” you’ll probably get a website that a) has awesome content, and b) has lots of links pointing to it. The second point is important. You will not get some cat website that started yesterday, even if the photos are really, really, ridiculously cute.
I sort of avoided the mathy side of PageRank here. For that, check out this Google Research presentation that I shared on Facebook a few weeks back. By the way, none of my friends Liked it or commented, ha!

How PageRank affects Search results

So, you type in a search for “cutest cat pictures” and in a few tenths of a second Google returns some results for you. Note, it wasn’t always this fast and accurate. You used to have to adhere to certain “Google search methods” just to get a relevant result. (Remember that, haha?)
Google returns articles, pages, blogs, forums, anything that it finds relevant. It quickly organizes them based on relevance to YOU. This also includes past searches and other random crap Google knows you like.
What you may not realize, is that every page and post on your blog or website has it’s own PageRank. It’s not just your homepage that builds PageRank.
A Little Experiment: If you downloaded the Chrome extension I showed you above, try clicking around Dear Blogger. Hit a few pages, and see their PageRank. Try some posts. You might wonder why they have different PageRanks, and that’s because different websites are linking (or not linking) to them right now. Those websites in turn have different Pageranks which are channeled (or not channeled) to Dear Blogger.
After you do that exercise, be sure to watch Matt Cutts from Google explain Search in this introductory video. This one is a favorite of mine:

How to Give and Get PageRank

As you get further in blogging you’ll want to build PageRank and may even want to share it. It’s pretty simple. You give someone PageRank or “Link Juice” when you link to them. You get PageRank when someone links to you. So every website I link to in this post gets a little bit of Link Juice from But let’s look further.
The best case scenario:
I wrote a whole banger on using basic SEO principles over at ProBlogger but I’ll run through it again here. Let’s say you write a blog post on Personal Websites and it’s really helpful. It rocks. You want it to get some PageRank though.
Case 1: If I link to your post like this, you’ll get a little PageRank. That’s for sure. Case 2: If I say “Hey guys, anyone looking to build a personal website?” the effect is much larger.
That’s because of the anchor text I just used. Go visit that link, it actually goes to my friends Thomas Frank’s website. When you’re there, look at the permalink of his post. It has “personal website” in it. Google loves links like this, they really explain the content on both ends of the link!

Where Alexa Rank fits in

PageRank’s cute cousin is Alexa Rank. The two are very different though.
While PageRank measures a website’s relative strength and affects Search rank, Alexa is more of a traffic statistic. It shows how many people are visiting your site, and is largely becoming the definitive ranking of your website. Check out the Alexa Rank of sites like,,,, and anything else you visit often and you’ll see what I mean. (for those of age this can turn into a fun drinking game!)
Ideally you want high PageRank and low Alexa Rank. There are certainly benchmarks that go along with the rankings. A PageRank of 4 is darn good, and it’s quite rare for a single person blog to rank over PR 6. An Alexa Rank of anything under 100k is great, though that takes time, and under 50k is a sweet spot where you should be able to blog for a living.
I know you’re going to disagree with that last paragraph, so tell me what YOU think in the comments. Post a quick one right now.

Manipulation, Evil, and Scum of the Earth

As blogging expanding and people wondering how to blog for money, how to make thousands online, and other goals that often cloud the purpose of this whole thing, a general manipulation of PageRank began to occur and black hat SEO was born.
If you’ve never heard this expression let me explain it to you quickly. Black hat means Google frowns upon it, and grey hat refers to borderline or questionable practice.
6 Examples of black hat
  • Keyword stuffing: Repeating keywords to the point where your sentences look like gibberish.
  • Unrelated keywords: Like this – Michael Jordan buys Walmart vacuum cleaners to take on exotic cruise trips.
  • Bait and switch: Where you get a page to rank in Google, then switch the page content.
  • Mirror websites: Duplicating content on several sites because you’re just not original.
  • Comment spam: Shooting comments to blogs in the hopes of getting clicks and backlinks. Grr.
  • Link farms: Building low quality websites that host lots of (perhaps paid) links.
Great hat is slightly less worse but still a bit dicey.
Examples of grey hat:
  • Link circles: Tough one to explain here. See the link trio article by Glen Allsop.
  • Buying links: Pretty self-explanatory. You should get these naturally because your content is original and inspiring.
And white hat is how it’s truly done.
White Hat: White hat is anything natural, awesome, and any technique that would warm Google’s heart. You know you’re using white hat when it just feels right.

How I Got Google PageRank 3 in 3 months with Only 28 Backlinks

Of course I put this at the end of the article. If you didn’t know all the information above this, this just wouldn’t make as much sense. Stop complaining, I’m sorry for making you spend another 10 minutes of your time.
It all began with my whiteboard. I bought a white board on Amazon (exact model) and the moment it arrived to my apartment I was strategizing. It was early September 2012 and I had already planned out several guest posts I’d launch (hopefully successfully) to a few prominent sites and a few I just loved.
In the bio line of each post is where you normally get someone to link back to your site. I used the strategy from my “personal website” example above to create really specific links back to different pages on my site. On a few guest posts I also linked to other posts on my blog via contextual links. See CopyBlogger for a great example of contextual linking. I made sure the anchor text was specific and included in the blog post permalinks. And of course, if you’ve been following me at all you know I landed guest posts on some major blogs.
The linking began in the guest post bios then continued on my own blog! On that white board I wrote a diagram like this:
Post 6 links to post 1 with “About Me Pages”
Post 5 links to post 3 with “WordPress Blog”
Post 4 links to post 2 with “Blog post titles”
I spread a lot of inbound links around my blog, which generated a sort of inpenetrable strength on my blog. If you watch the video above you heard about “spiders and crawlers.” When these things run through your blog they don’t like dead ends. That’s a sign of weakness. They like to bounce from post to post, from page to page, and never get lost. Again, for a really good example of this technique in action check out CopyBlogger, and look at all the red links within posts.
A fortress of strength:
The effect of that interlinking was my blog looked pretty darn strong to Google, even though it only had 12 posts. At the point I write this I think that number is 15. Whatever, it was and still is a small number. But to Google, my blog looked like a well defended castle, complete with a lively courtyard, luxurious theater, bountiful kitchen and dining hall, even a jousting arena! I bet those spiders had fun ;).
Terrorize Google:
The effect of getting a lot of guest posts on the web in a relatively small amount of time really hit on the time-sensitive aspect of Google rankings. See, Google tracks trends. If you’re mentioned once or twice online it’s really no big deal and Google doesn’t blink. But if they index a new site and it’s all of a sudden getting mentioned 30-40 times a day, they’ll notice. The effect is Google may decide to index your pages more quickly.
And who says the process of building PageRank has to be a slow one? 🙂

Conclusion: Alright I think that’s enough

Alright guys, I think that’s enough on SEO for one evening. Make sure to come early to class tomorrow and bring your calculators. The test will cover linking strategies, the history of PageRank, and the evolution of Matt Cutts’ hair styles.
Haha, I’m not a teacher, maybe someday. I really hoped this helped explain how to build a good, strong PageRank with limited resources in a small amount of time. You can absolutely replicate these effects if you plan well enough. I’d seriously recommend getting a whiteboard too.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Could this mean that Girls Value Their Phone more than Themselves?

Some have the most difficult password or pattern that lock their phone but have the cheapest way to open their legs and lure men to bed.....

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Toilet Selphy - Most of our kinds this days follow trends of mad celebrities who comes up with crazy Stuffs

Most of our kinds this days follow trends of mad celebrities who comes up with crazy stuff like TOILET SELFIE...we're responsible humans snap selfies of themselves right in the toilet..all they think is that is a modern day trend.




Auchi Polytechnic Students are set to thrill the world of entertainment and eradicate + Eliminate sadness and Keep the world Smiling, Laughing, Happy and Joyful... Earlier today, I found and Picked the Top 10 funniest Comedy skits by Well known and recognized Auchi Polytes.

 Watch and Download Videos After The Cut...

    1.  How Girls React To Guys Toasting Them 

    Girls are very Friendly and Lovely Most especially when it Comes to Guys Asking Them out. But Believe me when I say that You Don't Want to Try Their Patience... 'Tokia De Comedian and DPZ' aired their View Via this Very Funny Comedy Skit: How Girls React to Toasting from Different Guys... Watch and Enjoy! And Don't Forget To Subscribe:

    2. Blind Folded Expectation


          Don't try a Nigerian When It Comes to the use of English. We are Simply the BEST! Watch, Download and English-joy!
           Best English Student.3gp 
          Size: 2.78MB 
            4. BRUSHING DIFFERENCE - Tosin9ja
                Portraying the difference between how Americans and Nigerians Do their Thing...
                5. The Interview - Nigerian and English Language

                  Size: 9.09 MB 
                    6. Auchi Poly Lecturer Sings on Stage

                    In all Sincerity, If You ain't there, Then you Missed a lot. It was a total Fun day to behold. As School Lecturers Participated and made the Day Worth Remembering... For My friends who Could not be there, I uploaded the Video So You Can See for yourself and also Enjoy The Fun at your Spare Time...
                    Click here to Subscribe to More Video: it's Free

                    7. Where Nigeria dey go? @ Who to blame?

                        8. Don't Argue with a Nigerian - @ Computer Assignment

                            Download Computer Assignment.mp4

                            9. You think You are Brilliant huh?!! Then Answer this Guy... @ Oga, No be you ooooo

                              10. HELP ME (House Of IJO Comedy) (Episode 3)

                              Very funny video.... To help is now a problem to some need to watch the EPISODE 3 of House of IJO comedy..

                              Friday, 12 August 2016

                              Puzzle - Who is a leader and who is a ruler ?

                              This QUESTION has been running through my mind oh.
                              Who is a leader and who is a ruler ?
                              Can You lead with out ruling or rather can You rule with out leading ?
                              What are there similarities and difference ?
                              Wise answer pls, think properly and carefully before commenting.

                              FaceBook Comment: 
                              Imoukhuede Ohis Victor A LEADER.. is one who has come out to say he will take his followers to somewhere.. there's a bad LEADER and a good LEADER.. destination is what differentiates them....

                              A RULER is one who precide over people... he may not lead per se...a ruler may just pick up the title and may NOT pick up the RESPONSIBILITIES...

                              Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrso
                              Imoukhuede Ohis Victor And YES I CAN BE A LEADER AND NOT RULE... AND YES I CAN BE A RULER AMD NOT LEAD....

                              a Christian for example may not be a ruler but is a leader because he may be living an exemplary life which some anonymous persons are following... hence he is their LEADER.leading them to God

                              Imoukhuede Ohis Victor And I can be a RULER AND NOT LEAD.... my subjects may take my orders but may not follow me.. it all depends on the influence i as a ruler have on them
                              Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
                              Goldenboy Obi

                              ADD YOUR COMMENT BELOW:

                              Prayer>> Your Blessing Will be Delivered to You In Jesus Name - E.A Adeboye

                              Funny Post - WATCHING FOOTBALL with some wives can be very frustrating and stressful!

                              Wife: Dipo, who's that guy? Is that Chris Brown?
                              Husband: Chris Brown bawo? No na, that's Theo Walcott!!
                              Wife: Hey! What's that yellow card for?
                              Husband: It's a warning to a player; and red means the player must stop playing and leave the pitch.
                              Wife: Ohhh! It's something similar to a traffic light: Yellow - warning, Red - stop.
                              Husband: Yeah, yeah sure.. You are right!!
                              Wife: What about the green card?

                              Husband: Ohhh! there's nothing like that in football.
                              Wife: Which teams are these?
                              Husband: Which kind wahala be this na?!! God! It's Arsenal and Chelsea. What again?!
                              Wife: Ok ok ok! What colour is Arsenal putting on?
                              Husband: You no get eyes? No be red jersey be that?
                              Wife: Ok.. which team is putting on blue?
                              Husband: (upset)... Omg! Haba! Wetin na? Don't you know it's Chelsea?
                              Wife: Hen hen? Wow! I want Arsenal to win the world cup.
                              Husband: Wetin concern Arsenal with world cup? Where you from sef?
                              Wife: Take am easy na! Pls who's that old man?
                              Husband: Hmmm... that's Arsenal's coach, Arsene Wenger.
                              Wife: Oooh Ok..... I understand now. Sooo that means the other coach is Chelsea Wenger?
                              Husband: Chai!
                              Wife: What's the score now,
                              Husband: Just 1 - 1
                              Wife: Who's having 1, who's having the other 1

                              Daily Quotes #2 - Quotes on Ability, Motivation and Attitude.

                              Ability is What You're capable of doing. 
                              Motivation determines what you do.
                              Your Attitude determines how well You do it. 

                              Funny Post - What My Mum Actually want to do with My Cell Phone...

                              This Is not strange to me because I know how well She hates my Addiction to My Cell Phone - #We_are_Like_Lovers

                              Daily Quotes #1 - Sometimes, All You need is a Hug From Someone Special.

                              Sometimes, All You need is a Hug From Someone Special To Make you Happy and on Top Of The #WORLD

                              RelationShip Goals #1

                              Any Relationship without these Goals As its Priority is Indeed A Marital Blunder!

                              Thursday, 11 August 2016

                              Cooking Competition Result - Auchi Poly Engineerin week updates

                              And Finally, The #Best_Cook_of_the_Day Has Been Awarded. Out Of 7 (Seven Cooks). Joyfully the #winner at Third Position is from my Department #Electrical/Electronic Engineering Department. And am very happy for her. For the First Position, I bet Your Parents are Very Proud to have an #Angel and a #Great_Cook like You. Most Especially, Your Mum. Thanks To you all for making it a Day Worth Remembering for Me and Everyone Present on That DAY. Cheers!
                              Subscribe To Videos:, Follow On Facebook:

                              Dancing Competition - Auchi Poly Engineering Week Updates

                              Spot The Best Dancer From The Video If You Can. Auchi Polytes are truly The Best When It Comes to Dancing, Cooking, and Off course Academic Research Studying... Sit tight and Enjoy The Video!

                              Subscribe To Videos:, Follow On Facebook:, And

                              Auchi Poly Lecturer Sings On Stage - Auchi Poly Engineering Week

                              In all Sincerity, If You ain't there, Then you Missed a lot. It was a total Fun day to behold. As School Lecturers Participated and made the Day Worth Remembering... For My friends who Could not be there, I uploaded the Video So You Can See for yourself and also Enjoy The Fun at your Spare Time...

                               Click here to Subscribe to More Video: it's Free

                              Wednesday, 10 August 2016

                              QUESTION OF THE DAY

                              If an armed robber marries a witch, and give birth to Prostitute, Who will stay home at night? ?
                              A. Witch,  B. Prostitute,  C. Armed Robber

                              How to Resize an Image, Unlock Photo Background and save Edited Images U...

                              This video Contain the Basics of Photoshop Editing, here you'll learn to create new Photoshop Document, Unlock Photo Backgrounds, add Text, Resize Any Image to fit a Specified Shape and Save an Edited Document or Photo... Don't Forget To Subscribe:

                              How Girls React to Guys Toasting Them @ The Toaster - DPZ ft Tokia de Co...

                              Girls are very Friendly and Lovely Most especially when it Comes to Guys Asking Them out. But Believe me when I say that You Don't Want to Try Their Patience... This Comedians aired their View Via this Very Funny Comedy Skit: How Girls React to Toasting from Different Guys... Watch and Enjoy! And Don't Forget To Subscribe:

                              Get your man before he becomes my man- footballer, Chichi Igbo, warns ladies in her new IG video

                              Footballer, Chichi Igbo, shared a new video on her IG page where she warned women to take care of their men before they begin to slide into her dm and he becomes her man.
                               "Whoever forgot their bra should come get it cos man I'm having too much fun and I'm only getting warmed up. #getyourmanbeforehebecomesmyman"

                              Tuesday, 9 August 2016

                              How many words are in this image and can you spot them?

                              There are actually 7 words...can you spot them?

                              Monday, 8 August 2016

                              Falz - Soft Work (The Official Video)

                              9 Interesting Facts About Women Around The World... ( Photos )

                              Okay, so some women may be offended by some of these facts but it's just for entertainment even though they are true! If you don't think so, then see point number 9. These interesting facts have been gathered from various sources from around the web. Enjoy!

                              1. Seriously, so what are the remaining 98% staring at?

                              2. Hmmm...Yummy!

                              3. Really, just one year?

                              4. Well you'll never hear a man say, 'Oh-my-GOD, there's another man wearing a black tux, get me outta here!'

                              5. At least that's what we think y'all do. Don't judge, you never let us anywhere near.

                              6. Speeding tickets and pretty much anything else.

                              7. Well better don't ask the men.

                              8. And this includes the little ones too!

                              9. ...Sigh!

                              THAT'S ALL FOLKS! For now.