How To Make Money Online - Free Guide - Viva9ja

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

How To Make Money Online - Free Guide

Believe it or not; the truth is that you too can start making Money online. No PC needed (but having a PC is of better advantage), Just a good browser phone.

I'm going to tell you all you need to know about making money online for free.
Why am I doing this for free?
 Well, I am doing this for free because Google Inc. And some other advertisers are going to pay me for teaching you how to make money online for free. 
How will I get paid? 
I will tell you the secret on how you and I get paid doing online business via our Facebook Page: ==>  Like our Page on Facebook now and follow up ==>

OK, for a start,  have you ever considered how many articles are there about making money online?  Thousands? Millions? Enough? Probably. But there is a problem. Too many of them are just sales pitches to convince you to sign up for some seminar, webinar, training session or some other way to become an online millionaire.

They really give online money making a bad name. But it is possible to make money online. I mean, the people selling all of those millionaire pitches are making money, right?

There are legitimate ways to make money online. The problem is that the real ways to make money aren’t “get rich quick” schemes.

Most of them require a lot of work and sometimes a lot of dedication before seeing a return on your time.  But if you really want to make money online, work from home or turn an idea into a business, you can do it. You can even earn money with apps.

I will introduce you to how to make money with Apps in time to come but for now,  I want you to learn how to make real and legitimate cash through Blogging.

Make Money through Blogging
Bloggers are among the richest people in the world today.  Most Bloggers earn more than $12,000,000 monthly. But like I said earlier, real online Biz is not a "get rich quick scheme". It demands dedication, patience, work and the right use of your mind.

Don't ever expect to get all the answers you need in one place. You need to read wide and be exposed to how the internet really works.

I'm restricted from sharing some of the materials needed to make you a successful Blogger and start making money online quick here but you can click here to gain access to them here.
Note: It's a paid membership page. I.e, only paid members of Funflamesmedia Tutorials can gain access to it.

To Join Funflames media Tutorials, Call: +2348146599926 or request to join from our Facebook page:

==>  Back to Business  <==

Some of the ways that one can make money through blogging include:
  • Organizing Online and maybe offline Tutorials. Just like my paid Membership page where you share quality Ideas with your friends and members of your tutorial group or community.  I have made a step by step guide on how to start a professional blog on our membership group and also posted my template for free download.
  • Advertising – This is definitely the most old-school way of earning money with a blog. It’s also starting to become the least common way. You can sell advertising spots directly on your site or you can sign up with a company like Google AdSense or Either way, you won’t see a whole lot of money from ads until your views are well into the thousands each day.
  • Affiliates Marketing – There are many affiliate networks, such as FlexOffers and CJ Affiliate that allow you to promote other people’s products and services. You simply put a link or a banner on your page and then you get a percentage if someone clicks through and buys the product/service. You’ll want to select products that are specifically within your blog’s category.This is an effective way to earn money once you have the traffic coming to your blog.
  • Membership – Many people have created a paid membership area on their blog. This is typically for exclusive content that you can only access in the “member’s area.” If you have a really great idea on what to include, this can be a great idea.  You’ll have to create something that can’t easily be accessed around the web.
  • Products – You can create your own product, such as an ebook or computer software. You would then use your blog as a promotion tool to get people to buy your product. As long as you create a legitimate product with a whole lot of value, you should be able to get some buyers, but like everything else with a blog, you’ll need the traffic to get the sells.
  • Services – You can offer a paid service, such as life coaching, blog coaching, goal setting or financial planning. Just be sure to investigate all the legal implications and make sure you’re not claiming to be a professional if you’re not one. With a service like this, you’re basically using your blog to sell yourself. You’ll need to convince people that you’re worth buying and then be able to back up your claims once they purchase your service.
  • Sponsored/paid posts – Many blogs publish sponsored and paid posts. Sponsored posts are basically just posts about a specific brand, product or service. A company will pay you to publish an article about it. It’s similar with other paid posts as well. Your basically selling the spot for the article on your site. If you decide to take this route, you’ll want to build your traffic before you will get many offers.
  • Subscription – If you think of something valuable (newsletter, online magazine, etc.) that you can consistently offer on a certain basis (weekly, monthly, etc.), you may want to offer a subscription service. This could be a fee charged each time your product is sent out or on a monthly basis. Either way, this has to be something that your customers can only get by subscribing to your website.
  • Videos – This could be an entire section on it’s own. Many people have made money by creating YouTube videos. Evan of EvanTube is a kid and he has made millions by creating reviews of products that other kids his age would use. It’s not easy to get views into the millions, but once you do, you’ll start seeing some cash come in. Many bloggers have completely turned to videos to get their point across by starting a video blog.

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